
The Salsa Secret

Dave's really good friends Scooter happened to marry my really good friend Michelle. Michelle lived in Mexico a year ago. Occasionally, she cooks us an authentic Mexican fiesta. We took her salsa recipe, changed a few things and now it is the perfect companion for tortilla chips. The other day she came over and she had some of this salsa and couldn't believe it was her basic recipe. She loved it! So do we, so I thought I'd share the secret:

1.5 TBS Lime Juice
3 Roma Tomatoes
1/4 of a small purple onion
11 Pinches (about 5 leaves a pinch) cilantro
+ Salt to taste

The fresher the ingredients, the better the salsa. Chop up all the above ingredients a electric chopper, in any order.

This recipe is just a starting point, sometimes is works well the first time, but sometimes the cilantro is too bland or the onion is too strong, so you have to add more to make it just right. Dave likes to add hot peppers, but I'm allergic. Let us know if you have any alternatives, so we can try them.

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Some things we like about Josie:
-She's so fun to play with
-She's loving (for instance, the one time when she went around the room and kissed everyone goodnight, five times)
-When she is cuddly, she is VERY cuddly
-She's got a little bit a tough side

Love you!
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Haylie and Lily

Some things we like about Haylie:
-She gets so excited to go outside and swing
-She makes wonderful birthday drawings
-She has a stuffed animal named "Butt the Cat"
-She sings songs with us.

Some things we like about Lily:
-She's adorable
-Quick to smile, laugh
-Cutest baby around
-She's a fast leaner (right now she's trying to sit all by herself)
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Some things we like about Harry:
-He does his own thing. He is not going to do something because everyone else is or because you want him to.
-He's imaginative. Like when he comes up with stories to play out with Kitty and his cars.
-He's sneaky. This is fun for us, probably not for John and Brooke.
-He's loving. (eg. Kitty and when he used to follow me around saying "Friend.")

We think you're cute Harry!
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Some things we like about Miles:
-He is a Fabulous Artist
-He is funny and clever
-He could save the world he is such a good superhero
-He is strong

We love you Miles! Thanks for all the art you've given us!
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Zack and Isaac

Dave and I thought that it'd be fun to blog about each of our nieces and nephews. We are planing on going in chronological order, but since Isaac and Zack are both in this video, we are going to do them together.

Some things we like about Isaac:
-Kind, sweet, loving and tenderhearted
-Clever, intelligent (eg. when he picks up on new meanings of familiar words)
-Good example to everyone, especially Josie and Zack
-Peacemaker, good at sharing

Some things we like about Zack:
-Energetic (see above video)
-Spunky exterior with a kind interior
-Makes us laugh (hard)
-Great imagination

We love you two so much!
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A h-e-double hockeysticks of a couple

We decided that we weren't really married or even a couple until we had gone in a photobooth together. So we are announcing to everyone that it is official now. Mikelle and I are now a couple married for time and all eternity. Click on the picture to read the captions.

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