
I dislike two things:

depression and exercise.

I heard on NPR a few days ago that if you have the one and do the other, they cancel each other out. I'm trying. But I really, really dislike exercise.

Two funny stories, though.

1. Rode my bike to Target with Dave. When we started peddling, I ran into a pole, straight on, in slowmo.
2. We came across a really steep hill and Dave said, "Watch this!" He got half way and then couldn't keep going and looked up at me and said, "Cool, huh?" I love him! He made me laugh so hard.

I want to make Richard proud. The NPR program said I had to try for four months for it to make a difference. One day down.
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Wow! Updates!

We made this. That should tell you a bit about our lives right now.

Other things:

1| We moved to SLC. Good things: Flash, Lily, River, Target, Costco. Bad things: Missing Jonah, Haylie and the fam, no more Ana's (just as summer started, too), missing friends (especially Katie and Bennett!).

2| We are going to Uganda! And the same note we are doing fundraisers to help the people there. Please see details here: http://seeeme.org/donate.html. Look at how cheap it is to help orphans!

Plus, everyone who donates gets an awesome water buffalo picture! (Drawn by a ten-year-old at Byana Mary Hill Orphanage and mixed up by me.)

3| Ah, that is about it. So, "el fin."
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