

Ultimately, you can not control people by fear. Because their ultimate, ultimate essence is constantly craving dignity. Wole Soyinka

Your best work is your expression of yourself. Now, you may not be the greatest at it; but when you do it, you're the only expert in it. Frank Ghery

Love something. I think we've got to love something deeply. I think its love. Sounds sentimental as hell, but I really think it is. Andrew Wyeth

All of these quotes and pictures are from Andrew Zuckerman's book Wisdom. (Which I'm coveting.) These three quotes all related so well to things that I'm learning right now. 

I've been thinking a lot about Alta (who is now 91), our landlady/friend, who called me upstairs yesterday because she is afraid she is falling apart. She is so worried about losing her ability to take care of herself, because with it she loses all freedom. I was thinking about grandma Vivi, how much she loved the walk we took her on and how hard it must be to lose dignity. Then I realized something, I don't think either one of these ladies have lost any dignity, their bodies are falling apart, but if we could see the contents of the lessons they've learned, we would realize they are more knowledgeable, beautiful and dignified than most.

Right now, I'm trying to find out what my artistic style is. I've always had one, innately. But as its changing and developing, I feel like I'm losing touch of the essence of it. Its so comforting to think that I create for myself.

As for love, I always knew this, but I've been taught the lesson all over again in the last few months. The answer is love. Not only loving, but realizing that you are loved.


Carly said...

Love it. Thanks for the reminder!